Who We Are & What we do?

We empower Kenyans
through health, agriculture, education, human rights, and economic growth.

Our Staff & Volunteers are dedicated to working hard to serve the community

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

- Winston Churchill

Financial Empowerment

We spearhead financial literacy and entrepreneurship initiatives, equipping individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to achieve economic independence.

Mental Health Support

Through targeted awareness campaigns and interventions, we address the pressing mental health challenges faced by our communities.

Healthcare Access

We establish clinics, conduct medical camps, and cover medical expenses for those in need, promoting health and well-being for all.

Human Rights Advocacy

We raise awareness and take action on human rights issues, ensuring that the dignity and rights of every individual are respected and upheld.

Cultural Preservation

By strengthening skills and supporting cultural policy development, we promote the preservation and celebration of African art and culture.

Food Security

OTA AFRICA’s food security and agriculture programs in Kilifi County transform vulnerable communities by tackling immediate needs and fostering long-term sustainability, building resilience in Malindi and Magarini sub-counties.

OTA AFRICA is driven by a dynamic team of seasoned experts and emerging professionals from charitable and corporate sectors.

We touch dozens of lives of everyday people making real differences to people’s physical, mental and emotional health. Here are a few stats:

Counties in Kenya
Focus Areas where our impact is felt
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community projects
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We are grateful to our awesome sponsors & partners. Thank you!